Friday, May 31, 2013

Filling the Void with Digital Resources

Typical conversations and questions within the mentorship process between  PE’s to EIT’s often end with the phrase “because that’s the way we’ve always done it”.  For inquisitive young engineers, hearing this phrase can be frustrating, and further drive them to find the source.  Textbooks, codes, and design guides provide examples to answer technical questions, but reliable non-technical resources can be harder to find.  NSPE provides a wealth of information on its website ( to help provide guidance for a variety of non-technical topics.  Recently, I discovered the “Document Retention Guidelines” and “Liability of Employed Engineers FAQ.”  Both of which provided an interesting vantage point in the peripheral aspects of our industry.  In addition to online resources, NSPE members also receive “PE Magazine” ten times each year.  “PE Magazine” provides news and commentary on professional issues, such as licensing, ethics, legislative and regulatory issues and education.

I would like to encourage all engineers to take some time to explore the NSPE website, read a few non-technical articles and share them within your firm.  If you’re a NSPE member, please share PE Magazine and invite others to our monthly Joint Society Luncheons hosted by VSPE and ASCE. 

Another valuable benefit is that NSPE members can earn up to 15 professional development hours (PDH’s) each year through free online seminars.  Also, attendees are eligible to obtain PDH’s at a number of our Joint Society Luncheons.  The Joint Society Luncheons are both a great place to network, and help satisfy your continuing education requirements for your next license renewal.

Brian Snyder, PE
VSPE Tidewater President

The links to two topics mentioned are listed below:

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